Senators vote changes to Romania’s gun law

More people will be able to own guns, according to several amendments to the arms and ammunition law voted by the Senate.
Up until now, those with sentences of more than one year in jail were prevented from being able to own guns. After the changes to the law, only those convicted to life in jail are forbidden from owning firearms, reported.
At the same time, lethal arms have been included in the category of the self-defense ones and the amount of ammunition that a person can own was increased. The senators also voted that arms can be kept anywhere inside a house, not just in a safe as before. Another change is the elimination of the compulsory course on using these guns.
The Chamber of Deputies also needs to approve the changes in order for them to become enforceable.
In August, the Government introduced a bill into the legislative circuit stipulating, among others, that the conditions for getting a permit to carry non-lethal firearms will be similar to those for lethal firearms.
At the beginning of this month, Niculae Badalau, a senator of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), was fined for failing to secure his weapon and had his gun license canceled after thieves who broke into his house also stole his gun.
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