Small retailers in Romania want short hours during the weekend in all stores

An association of small-format retailers in Romania proposed that the government institute short functioning hours for all stores during the weekend by law.
Initially, the retailers, mostly independent stores not part of the large retail chains, wanted only the large-format retailers, such as the hypermarkets, to be closed during the weekend. But they accepted a less discriminatory compromise, according to Euronews Romania.
The government is evaluating the proposal, but some officials, such as minister of agriculture Florin Barbu and prime minister Marcel Ciolacu, have already argued against it.
"We have taken [the proposal] into account, let's see the impact. It is not an easy decision, but if we have a viable alternative system, then such a decision can be reached," said PM Ciolacu, quoted by
Still, the prime minister said he could not impose on Romanians when to go to the store to buy food: "However, it is the decision of each of us."
The reason invoked by the small retailers for requiring short functioning hours during the weekend is that all employees need time off for themselves and the small stores can not afford to hire extra personnel to cover the weekend properly.
(Photo source: Wavebreakmedia Ltd/