Romanian fast-food chain Spartan continues expansion

Romanian fast-food restaurant chain Spartan opened two new units on August 20, in Targoviste and Cluj-Napoca.
The restaurant in Targoviste is located in the newly-opened Dambovita Mall while the one in Cluj-Napoca is a street restaurant in franchise.
Thus, Spartan has opened three restaurants in August, resuming its expansion after the closedown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The new restaurants created 46 new jobs.
Spartan has eliminated all fees paid by franchisees starting May, to help its partners during the difficult period caused by the coronavirus crisis. About half of the network’s 58 restaurants are under franchise.
The Spartan franchise was created by local entrepreneur Stefan Mandachi, best-known for building a one-meter highway near his home town Suceava, in northeastern Romania, to protest against poor infrastructure in this region.
The Spartan network reached a turnover of EUR 36 million in 2019 and about 900 employees.
(Photo source: Facebook/Spartan Romania)