25 Romanian students rushed to hospital after a paralyzing spray was used in high school hallway

A total of 25 students have been transported to the hospital in Bucharest after a student used an irritating spray in the high school hallway during a break. The 9th grader used the spray after a conflict with another student, according to Biziday.
Immediately after the spray was used, several students reported feeling unwell and exhibiting respiratory symptoms. 14 of them were taken to the Grigore Alexandrescu Hospital and 11 to the Marie Curie Hospital in Bucharest. Another 8 were medically evaluated on the high school premises. 91 other students were evacuated.
The students taken to Marie Curie Hospital are being monitored and are in good condition, said the spokesperson of the medical unit, Denis Stănescu.
"They are fine now, they are being monitored. They showed signs of respiratory irritation, with coughing and teary eyes," Stănescu said, cited by Hotnews.
According to the doctor, the children will not remain hospitalized.
The Dimitrie Leonida Technical College is conducting checks to see how it was possible for a ninth-grade student to use tear gas spray both inside the school and at the entrance to the high school.
"There is currently an ongoing investigation by the competent authorities - the Police, and in parallel, checks will be conducted at the level of the educational unit by the school's leadership, in the Violence Committee. Depending on what they discover, actions will be taken accordingly - specifically, the student can be sanctioned according to the student's statute," ISMB representative Elena Ștefan said.
Bucharest prefect Rareș Hopincă requested an administrative investigation by the District 2 City Hall following the incident, stating that it must be treated "with responsibility and firmness" and those responsible held accountable.
(Photo source: Inquam Photos | George Călin)