Study: Most Romanians rely on personal cars for family activities

27 June 2018

Romanians rely more and more on personal cars for family activities and 77% of them use their car at least once a week for shopping with their family, according to a study on modern family lifestyle in urban areas made by ISRA Centre researcher in March-April 2018 for OMV Petrom Marketing.

The personal car has an important role in spending time with family, as 70% of Romanian families listen to music and make weekend plans in their personal cars, on their way to work, school or kindergarten, local reported.

Some 43% of them use personal cars for short holidays in weekends at least once a month and 39% visit relatives or friends at least once a week using personal cars.


Study: Most Romanians rely on personal cars for family activities

27 June 2018

Romanians rely more and more on personal cars for family activities and 77% of them use their car at least once a week for shopping with their family, according to a study on modern family lifestyle in urban areas made by ISRA Centre researcher in March-April 2018 for OMV Petrom Marketing.

The personal car has an important role in spending time with family, as 70% of Romanian families listen to music and make weekend plans in their personal cars, on their way to work, school or kindergarten, local reported.

Some 43% of them use personal cars for short holidays in weekends at least once a month and 39% visit relatives or friends at least once a week using personal cars.




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