Study shows only 4.2% of Romanians with disabilities have a job

Only 4.2 percent of Romanians with disabilities have a job, which places Romania on the last position in the European Union, according to a report conducted by the "Pentru Voi" ("For You") foundation and the Institute for Public Policies. The report also shows that Romania ranks last but one in the EU regarding the sums allotted for social services supporting people with disabilities.
This happens four years after the normative acts easing the integration of people with disabilities on the labor market were enforced. The average in the EU is of 50 percent of the people with disabilities, who currently have a job.
There are over 680,000 people with disabilities in Romania, and only 28,800 of them have a job. Some 1,470 work in protected units, created to encourage the employment of people with disabilities. Regarding people with intellectual disabilities, the situation is "catastrophic," as less than 1 percent of those with intellectual deficits, namely 977, have a job, shows the report.
Only 0.28 percent of the people with disabilities work in central institutions - most of them in the Transport Ministry and the Senate. On the other hand, the Environment Ministry, the Regional Development Ministry and the Labor Ministry have no employees with disabilities.
Romania allots about 12.5 percent of the gross domestic product for social assistance and is ranked last but two in EU regarding this issue. France allots 30 percent of its GDP for social assistance, said "Pentru voi" foundation director Laila Onu. The report was conducted within the "Stop ignoring people with intellectual disabilities!" project financed by Trust for Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe.