Study shows Romanians want more bookstores, cinemas, press distribution centers

The 2016 edition of the Cultural Consumption Barometer showed Romanians would like to have more press distribution centers, bookstores, and cinemas.
The barometer was put together by the National Institute for Research and Training, an institution subordinated to the Ministry of Culture and National Identity. The survey was carried out by the National Institute for Evaluation and Strategy on 1,349 individuals aged 18 and more.
Those surveyed identified the most widespread elements of cultural infrastructure in Romania as being the churches (99%), culture spaces (the Romanian ‘camin cultural’ refers to a center hosting cultural activities that each town used to have before 1989) (76%), festivals and local celebrations (76%), parks (75%), culture centers (72%), and libraries (71%), reported.
The biggest cultural infrastructure needs identified by those surveyed were: the press distribution kiosks (60%), book stores (62%), stationery stores (56%), cinemas (44%), museums (33%), theaters (37%), and performance venues (35%).
Over 12 months, 36% of the respondents bought between 1 and 20 books, 32% did not buy any books, 21% bought between 21 and 30 books, and 11% bought between 31 and 50 books.
Regarding the number of books read, 39% said they read between 1 and 20, 29% said they did not read any books, 22% read between 21 and 30 books, and 10% read over 31 books.
As concerns music and dance, 53% of those surveyed said they listened to folk and etno music, 30% to local pop, 20% to foreign pop, 15% to manele, 11% to blues, 9% to hip – hop or rap, 9% to symphonic music, 7% to rock, 6% to opera and operetta, jazz and electronic music, and 3% to experimental music.
Most respondents, some 56.3%, listened to music 1 to 2 times a week or more often.
A total of 58% of those surveyed said they preferred action films, 55% said they preferred comedies, 40% thrillers, 37% dramas, 33% romantic films, 22% animations, 21% documentaries, 18% historic films, 17% biographical films, 12% musicals.