Survey: Romanians’ budget for X-mas presents, slightly higher this year

Romanians plan to allot on average RON 730 (almost EUR 157) to the Christmas presents this year. This is 12% more (RON 76 or EUR 16) compared to last year, according to a survey by and GKI Digital.
They plan to buy presents for 9 -10 people, with most presents going to the close family (3 – 4 people).
Of those who are active internet users, 80% will use online sources to purchase the presents. Some 55% are getting inspiration from browsing the stores’ magazines, and 36% from window shopping.
Around a third of those surveyed (34%) said they would ask their close ones what gifts they want. A total of 66% plan to make online purchases from local stores for Christmas, while 68% chose commercial centers and malls. A total of 9% plan to buy presents from outside of Romania, allotting an average budget of RON 327 (EUR 70) for this.
The survey revealed that 11% of those buying online already purchased the Christmas present. At the same time, 37% of those surveyed will wait the Black Friday discounts, hoping to find good offers. After Black Friday, most of those answering the survey (80%) buy presents up until the last days before Christmas.
On Black Friday, 42% of those surveyed will purchase online, while 45% will look for discounted items both online and in stores.
According to estimates, every other present will include a clothing item, cosmetics, followed by toys (43%); interior decorations, DIY items and household equipment (37%), watches, jewelry and fashion items (32%); smartphones, tablets and accessories (27%); books, films, music (23%), shoes (21%); appliances and home items (17%); IT products (16%) and sport equipment (14%).
Other popular presents, especially among young internet users are: digital products and subscriptions (11%), gift coupons (8%), and holidays and tickets to various events.
The survey was carried out in October of this year, among 1,335 respondents.
Study: Two in five Romanians prefer to chip in for gifts for lack of time, ideas