Survey: Only 3 in 10 Romanians handwrite letters, cards

Only 3 out of 10 Romanians still write letters or cards by hand, according to a survey released by Consult Company, an importer and distributor of writing instruments in Romania.
Almost half of the respondents said they would write by hand if they had a quality writing instrument, the same survey showed. At the same time, almost 5 in 10 (48.56%) Romanians believe that the main benefits of writing by hand are the better assimilation of information and the consolidation of knowledge, while more than 3 in 10 respondents said the main advantage was the faster assimilation of information.
Another 8.92% of respondents said improved creativity was a benefit of handwriting, and only 3.39% saw no benefit to writing by hand.
The most common situations when Romanians write by hand are when they take notes during work or personal meetings, for educational purposes, such as in classes, to fill in paperwork, and to draft to-do lists for work or home. Only 3 out of 10 respondents said they handwrite letters or cards, and only 1 in 10 writes in a personal diary.
Most respondents, almost 7 out of 10, always carry with them a writing instrument, with the ball pen being the favorite one. Over half of respondents (55.06%) use the ball pen, 17.88% prefer the pencil, and 17% use the pen.
Among the most recognizable writing instruments brands are Bic, mentioned by 84.23% of respondents, Parker (70.67%), Pilot (59.84%), Mont Blanc (42.30%), Sheaffer (9.87%) and Cross (8.47%).
The survey was conducted online, in October of this year, among 1,357 respondents, aged over 18 and living in urban areas.
(Photo: Pixabay)