Romanian pavement producer Symmetrica keeps investing despite challenging market

Romanian independent producer of concrete pavement systems Symmetrica announced that its sales rose by 20% in 2023 – three times the market’s overall advance, and that it plans to open its largest factory in 2024 despite a challenging environment.
The company’s revenues reached RON 260mn (EUR 52.5mn) in 2023, despite problems faced in finding enough workforce, particularly in the context of the Government eliminating the fiscal allowances for the sector.
In terms of volumes traded last year, the company delivered more than 7mn square meters / linear meters of products, 12% more compared to 2022, when sales totaled 6.3mn square meters / linear meters.
Last year, the company invested EUR 20mn, out of which EUR 14mn, in a new factory located in Constanta county and to expand the existing factory located at Prejmer near Brasov. The rest of EUR 6mn was spent on developing solar electricity production facilities at the sites of its existing factories.
(Photo: the company)