Team of three aim to become youngest Romanians to climb the Everest

Three Romanians aim to become the youngest Romanians to climb Mount Everest, the highest peak in the world. Mountain climbers Tiberiu Pintilie, 29, Adrian Fako, 26 and Oana-Maria Harabagiu, 23, will leave for this quest on April 3, and will be supported by the Youth and Sports Ministry.
Youth and Sports Minister Gabriela Szabo, a former athlete, said she became an ambassador of this project quite early on and that the ministry will support the quest with RON 100,000 – or some EUR 22,000.
The expedition will last for two months, and the Romanian mountain climbers will be helped by the Sherpa, as well as benefit from oxygen tanks while climbing.
This is part of the social program 'What is your Everest?' (Care este Everestul tau), currently ongoing in schools and high schools across Romania, where students are encouraged to present their aims and goals in front of sports and public personalities. The project is coordinated by the NGO Adventure Diplomacy.
(photo source: Everest Romania on Facebook)