Competition body to clear sale of Telekom Romania Mobile to Vodafone and Digi in H1

Romania's Competition Council will clear the sale of Telekom Romania Mobile to Vodafone and Digi most likely in the first half of the year, but conditions will be imposed on the two buyers related to the degree of coverage and signal quality, the president of the Competition Council, Bogdan Chiriţoiu, said on February 6 quoted by Agerpres.
"That's what they're currently discussing with our team, how they're thinking about sharing the assets," Chirițoiu said.
Last October, Romanian telecom group Digi Communications (BVB: DIGI) announced that, following the decision of the local businessman Adrian Tomșa to withdraw from the initial transaction, it entered into a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Hellenic Telecommunications Organization(OTE) and Vodafone Romania having as subject matter the OTE divestment from its local mobile arm Telekom Romania Mobile Communications (TKRM).
According to the MoU, the parties intend "to carry out a series of interdependent operations and transactions pursuant to which Digi Romania will acquire certain assets from TKRM and Vodafone Romania will acquire indirectly the shares held by OTE in TKRM."
(Photo source: Facebook/Consiliul Concurentei)