Telekom Romania could sell its business lines separately to speed up process

German group Deutsche Telekom could sell its Romanian subsidiary’s business lines separately to speed up the process. Under the current negotiations, local telecom group RCS&RDS would take over Telekom Romania’s cable TV business line, Orange would take over the mobile telecommunications business, while the fixed network (telecom, internet) would be sold to a Russian investment fund represented by Bulgarian investor Spas Roussev, local reported.
In some three months, the negotiations between Deutsche Telekom, which controls Telekom Romania through Greek group OTE, and the three potential buyers have advanced very quickly as the German group is in a hurry to finish the exit from Romania. The negotiations should be completed within three to four months.
Telekom wants EUR 1 billion for its shares while the Romanian state (which is the other main shareholder of Telekom Romania) is somewhat less optimistic and expects around EUR 400 million, Government sources told
Deutsche Telekom holds 54% in Telekom Romania, with the rest of the shares in state’s property. The mobile arm Telekom Romania Mobile Communications is 70% owned by Telekom Romania while Greek group OTE owns the remaining 30%.
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