The Romanian mobile phone user profile: how many hours on the phone?

The average Romanian mobile phone user consumes 110 MB of mobile data every month, talks for 208 minutes to other numbers in the same network and 37 minutes outside the network - over four hours in total - and sends 71 text messages.
Romania's communications authority ANCOM has published on the platform the consumption values for the occasional, average and intensive mobile phone and internet user. Veritel is an online application which allows users to compare telecom offers.
The casual user consumes monthly 37 MB of internet traffic, sends 23 text messages, talks about 69 minutes in the same network and 12 outside the network - just an hour and a half .
By comparison, the intensive user consumes 330 MB internet traffic, sends 213 text messages and talks 623 minutes in the same network and 111 minutes outside the network - or some 12 hours a month.