The Village Museum in Bucharest, Romania’s most visited museum in 2014
“Dimitrie Gusti” National Village Museum (Muzeul Satului) in Bucharest was the most visited museum in Romania this year, with 346,718 visitors, according to Paula Popoiu, the museum’s general manager.
Most of the events organized by the museum this year were exhibitions, mostly visited by students, workshops for children and festivals.
“The Village Museum was visited by 346,718 people in 2014, some of the activities with large number of visitors being the “Different School” (Scoala Altfel) event - with 12,000 visitors, and “The International Day of Birds” - with 8,333 visitors a day, “The Afternoon at the Museum” – with 8,000 visitors, “Indian Culture Festival” – 6,989 visitors in two days, “St. Mary Fair” - 4,000 visitors in two days,” said Popoiu, cited by local Agerpres.
In 2015, the institution targets a total of 400,000 visitors.
Our Bucharest walks: the Village Museum.
Irina Popescu,