Thermal cameras installed to monitor Bucharest’s Văcărești Natural Park and prevent fires

Thermal cameras are being installed in Bucharest's Văcărești Natural Park in an effort to enhance safety and prevent vegetation fires. These new devices will help detect early signs of fire, significantly reducing the response time for firefighters, the park's administration announced.
Strategically placed in opposite corners of the park, the newly installed bi-spectral cameras combine a standard zoom camera with a thermal imaging camera. This technology is capable of detecting fires at a range of 4.412 meters, even in complete darkness, through smoke, fog, or other adverse weather conditions.
The system is continuously monitored by human operators, ensuring real-time control over the park's situation. Additionally, artificial intelligence technology provides 24/7 surveillance, detecting early fire signs and allowing for swift intervention.
"With constant firefighter presence and the integration of these modern technologies, we will protect not only the park's unique flora and fauna, but also the people, property, and surrounding urban environment," the Administration of the Văcărești Natural Park said.
(Photo source: Facebook/Administrația Parcul Natural Văcărești)