Timisoara Airport completes new arrivals terminal

The new terminal for international arrivals at the Timisoara Airport in western Romania was completed after a RON 78 mln (EUR 16 mln) project that also included the security system and fire safety equipment, Ziarul Financiar reported.
The works on the new terminal started in February 2019 and were completed in March this year, while the cost of the contract was RON 30 mln (EUR 6 mln) for the building and RON 39 mln (EUR 8 mln) for the security system.
The project for the new international departures terminal is more expensive: RON 184 mln (EUR 38 mln).
The financing for this project should be signed by the end of this month to have the new terminal operational by January 2024.
(Photo: Aeroportul International Timisoara Facebook Page)