Tiriac Auto opens new showroom in Bucharest for Jaguar and Land Rover brands
Tiriac Auto recently opened a new showroom in Bucharest for Jaguar and Land Rover brands, which covers an area of 500 sqm.
In the same location, Tiriac Auto also opened a multi brand service and a damage investigation center.
Tiriac Auto currently has six showrooms dedicated to Jaguar and Land Rover brands in Romania: in Bacau, Brasov, Bucharest, Iasi and Oradea.
The company's distribution and car service network includes 62 mono brand and multi brand locations.
Tiriac Auto is part of Tiriac Group which brings together over 40 local private companies with activities in real estate, auto, financial services, leasing, air transport and energy.
Tiriac Auto represents six of the most famous car brands on the market, namely Ford, Hyundai, Jaguar, Land Rover, Mercedes-Benz and Mitsubishi.
Irina Popescu, irina.popescu@romania-insider.com
(photo source: tiriacauto.ro)