Today's headlines: IMF review lasts longer, stock market drop, metro line financing

Romanian media
With Greece in flames, IMF becomes impacable – in Ziarul Financiar
The back down of foreign investors has melted over EUR 1 billion on the stock exchange – in Ziarul Financiar
Albarosa, Cefin: We had to reinvest the entire company– in Ziarul Financiar
EBRD: Romania, Bulgaria and Serbia could be affected by the Greek crisis through banks – in Ziarul Financiar
Kazakhs are preparing the exit of minority shareholders in Petromidia - in Ziarul Financiar
Romania on the verge of fiscal explosion. The IMF is extending the visit! Tax increase cannot be avoided – on
April drove viewers away: Kanal D lost the most, Realitatea TV, the least – on
Piata Universitate – Drumul Taberei metro line, one step closer to being finalized – on
The Boc government comes with the the anti-tax solution: Basescu's negotiator talent – in Gandul
One year with the IMF, poorer and full of debt – in Adevarul
International media
Athens protests erupt into violence - in the Financial Times
Nikkei slides on eurozone woes- in the Financial Times
Time Warner lifted by advertising rebound - in the Financial Times
SocGen has €3bn Greek bond exposure - in the Financial Times
Greek tremors continue to rock markets - in the Financial Times
Euro near 1-year lows as debt woes mount - on Reuters
Britons vote in "photo finish" election - on Reuters
Nokia, Microsoft launch new mobile software - on Reuters
Washington Post Co. puts Newsweek magazine up for sale- in the Washington Post
Berkshire's Munger Says Insurance Prices May Continue Decline - in BusinessWeek
AB InBev sees flat year for beer in 2010 - in BusinessWeek
Time Warner Reports Gain of 9.8%, Beating Forecasts - in the New York Times