Tonitza, Ghenie, Grigorescu paintings sold at Bucharest auction
Artworks by Romanian painters such as Nicolae Tonitza, Adrian Ghenie and Nicolae Grigorescu were sold on Tuesday evening, December 17, at the winter auction organized by Artmark in Bucharest.
Maternitate by Nicolae Tonitza was the best-selling artwork at this auction, being auctioned for EUR 175,000, local Agerpres reported. Other paintings sold for high amounts are Autoportret by Adrian Ghenie – EUR 150,000 and Car cu boi and Cusătoreasă (sora artistului) by Nicolae Grigorescu – EUR 140,000 and EUR 110,000, respectively.
Paintings by Stefan Luchian, Arthur Segal, Ion Tuculescu, Iosif Iser, Alexandru Ciucurencu and Gheorghe Petrascu were also auctioned on Tuesday evening, for sums between EUR 75,000 and EUR 22,000.
Another painting by Adrian Ghenie, Untitled, sold for EUR 105,000 at an auction held at Artmark auction house in Bucharest in November. The artwork was initially estimated at EUR 35,000 – EUR 55,000.