Top Romanian artists go on Romanian Athenaeum stage for charity concert

Hope and Homes for Children Charity will organize the fifth edition of the Hope Concert this week, at the Romanian Athenaeum in Bucharest. The event is organized in support of vulnerable children in Romania.
The concert will take place on May 7, its program including classical, pop, and rock music.
Several top local artists have joined the lineup, such as singers Andra, Loredana, and Adrian Despot (the lead singer of Vita de Vie band), mezzo-soprano Roxana Constantinescu, actor Marius Manole, and pianist Andrei Licaret.
Loredana and Andra will perform for the first time on the stage of the Romanian Athenaeum, together with the Violoncellissimo Ensemble led by the master Marin Cazacu. They will perform their own songs, especially rearranged for the cello ensemble.
Meanwhile, mezzo-soprano Roxana Constantinescu will come to Romania especially for this event, after performing on international stages such as Venice's La Fenice lyrical theater and opera houses in Rome, Zurich, Toulouse, Berlin, and Tokyo, according to a statement from the organizers. The “Madrigal Chamber – Marin Constantin” National Choir will also perform at the event.
Princess Marina Sturdza, the Honorary President of Hope and Homes for Children, will attend the event, as well as ambassadors, company representatives, and local celebrities.
Two Romanians start cycling trip around Europe for charity
Irina Popescu,