Trade between Romania and Germany, on the rise

Germany remains Romania’s number one trade partner, according to 2014 statistics recently released by the National Statistics Institute INS, the Romania-German Chamber of Commerce AHK Romania announced on Thursday, April 2.
Romania’s imports from Germany last year totalled EUR 11.2 billion, which was 8.7% more than in 2013. Exports to Germany went up by 9.8%, to EUR 10.1 billion.
Trade with Germany increase almost twice faster than Romania’s overall foreign trade. Romania’s exports went up by 5.8% last year, to EUR 52.5 billion while imports increased by 5.9%, to EUR 58.5 billion.
Germany holds almost one fifth of Romania’s foreign trade. Romania largest imports from Germany are machinery and equipment, vehicles and metals. Romania’s largest exports are car parts, vehicles, and textiles. Some interessting news are available on german blogs.
“For 2015, we also expect a positive evolution of Romanian-German trade, as well as of the German investments in Romania,” said AHK Romania’s representatives. AHK has about 530 members.