Traffic in Bucharest: The most dangerous streets and intersections

The Traffic Police has compiled a list of the most dangerous intersections and streets of Bucharest, based on the number of road accidents that occurred in these areas, and their severity.
Almost 490 serious road accidents occurred in Bucharest in 2016, with over 440 people being injured and 66 losing their lives.
According to the list of the Traffic Police, four of the six most dangerous intersections are in the center of Bucharest, with about 10% of the serious accidents occurring in these areas, reports local Mediafax.
The most dangerous intersection in Bucharest is that of the Barbu Vacarescu Boulevard with Fabrica de Glucoza road. Five serious accidents happened here last year, which resulted in the wounding of eight people. Most accidents happened because the drivers failed to give priority to the cars with the right of way, according to the Traffic Police.
A small intersection in Bucharest’s District 2 is next in the top. Eight road accidents that resulted in the wounding of nine people occurred last year in the intersection of Mihai Eminescu street with Toamnei street. Similar to the first intersection, the drivers proceeding without the right of way also caused most of the accidents.
The Stefan cel Mare road, which is one of the busiest boulevards in the capital, is third on the list. The dangerous spot is close to the intersection with Lizeanu street. Three serious accidents occurred in this place last year due to pedestrians crossing the street illegally, with one of the victims losing his life.
The Energeticienilor Boulevard, the intersection between Alexandriei road and Antiaeriana road, and Splaiul Independentei (Grozavesti area) are also on the list of the dangerous streets in Bucharest.
Last year, the main causes of accidents included jaywalking (139 cases), failure to give priority to pedestrians (95 cases), failure to give priority to vehicles (52 cases), and excessive speed (49 cases).
Which are the most dangerous roads in Romania?
Irina Marica,