Traffic restrictions and altered bus routes on Wednesday due to public employees strike

The Bucharest public transport company RATB has changed the routes of most of public transport means in Bucharest while several streets will be closed down for the general strike to be held in the capital city on Wednesday, October 27. Five workers' unions will join the strike and as many as 80,000 people are expected to join the protest.
Car traffic will be restricted from 7,00 hours on Kiseleff Blvd. from Arcul de Triumf Square to Victoriei Square, on Aviatorilor Blvd., from the Charles de Gaulle Square to Victoriei Square. It will not be possible to access Victoriei Square from Ion Mihalache Blvd., or turn left from Victoriei Square to Ion Mihalache Blvd., Calea Victoriei and Lascăr Catargiu Blvd.
From 10,30 hours, traffic will be restricted on Bd. Lascăr Catargiu, Bd. Gh. Magheru, Bd. I.C. Brătianu, Bd. Unirii, and on all streets connected to these boulevards.
See below the altered routes of several Bucharest buses:
Bus 122 - Cartierul Latin - Piaţa Romană.
Bus 300 Clăbucet - Bd. Ion Mihalache/Str. Buzeşti (Piaţa Victoriei) crossroads, then Str. Buzeşti, Str. Occidentului, Bd. Gh. Manu, Bd. Lascăr Catargiu, Piaţa Romană.
Bus 381 Piaţa Reşiţa - Piaţa Romană.
Bus 783 Piaţa Arcul de Triumf- Bd. C-tin Prezan, Cal. Dorobanţilor, Bd. Dacia, Piaţa Romană, Bd. Gh. Magheru, then its normal route.
Buses104, 123, 124 Cora Pantelimon, CET Sud Vitan/Fundaţia Aisteda Bd. Unirii/Bd. Mircea Vodă crossroad, then modified track through Bd. Mircea Vodă, Bd. Corneliu Coposu, Str. Sf. Vineri, Piaţa Sf. Vineri.
Buses131, 301 and 331 will only reach Piaţa Lahovari.
Buses 122, 137, 138 and 268 will use the normal track until Str. Ştirbei Vodă/Cal. Victoriei, then modified track through Cal. Victoriei, Bd. Regina Elisabeta, Bd. M. Kogălniceanu, followed by their normal tracks.
Buses 126, 168, 226, 268 and 368 will go on their normal tracks until Str. Ştirbei Vodă/Str. Luterană crossroad, then modified track through Str. Luterană, Str. G-ral Budişteanu, Str. Mircea Vulcănescu, Bd. Dinicu Golescu, followed by their normal tracks.
Bus 300 will go on the normal route between Clăbucet and Bd. Ion Mihalache/Str. Buzesti (Piaţa Victoriei), then on modified track through Str. Buzeşti, Cal. Griviţei, Bd. Dacia, Cal. Victoriei, returning on Bd. Regina Elisabeta, Bd. M. Kogălniceanu, Cal. Plevnei, Str. Ştirbei Vodă, Str. Berzei, Str. Buzeşti, Bd. Ion Mihalache, Clăbucet.
Buses 336 and 601 v will go on the normal route between Apusului, respectivelly Semănătoarea and Pod Eroilor, then modified track on Str. Stirbei Vodă, Calea Victoriei, Bd. Regina Elisabeta, Bd. M. Kogălniceanu, followed by the current routes.
Bus 381 Piata Reşita - Pasajul Unirii - Bd. Dimitrie Cantemir, returning through Splaiul Unirii, Bd. Mărăşeşti, Bd. Dimitrie Cantemir, followed by normal track.
Bus 783- Henri Coandă Airport - Piaţa Arcul de Triumf, then modified track Bd. C-tin Prezan, Cal. Dorobanţilor, Sos. Stefan cel Mare, Bucur Obor, Cal. Moşilor, Piaţa Rosetti, where it will turn around.
The routes of these buses will be changed from 10,00 hours:
Bus 117 -Bacău and Piaţa Unirii, returning on Bd. Dimitrie Cantemir, Bd. Mărăşeşti, Str. 11 Iunie, Bd. Regina Maria, followed by normal track.
Buses116 and 313- Gara Progresul, Turnu Magurele-Bd. Dimitrie Cantemir/Splaiul Unirii, modified track Splaiul Unirii, Bd. Mărăşeşti, Bd. Dimitrie Cantemir, followed by normal track..
Bus 232 -Real Berceni - Piaţa Unirii, returning on Dimitrie Cantemir, Bd. Mărăşeşti, Str. Dr. C-tin Istrate, followed by normal track.
Bus 312 -Piaţa de Gros -Bd. Dimitrie Cantemir/Splaiul Unirii, modified track Splaiul Unirii, Cal. Văcăreşti, followed by normal track.
Bus 385 Valea Oltului -Cal. 13 Septembrie/Şos. Pandurilor/ Bd. Tudor Vladimirescu, - Bd. Tudor Vladimirescu, Bd. George Coşbuc, Bd. Regina Maria, Piaţa Unirii, returning on Bd. Dimitrie Cantemir, Bd. Mărăşeşti, Str. 11 Iunie, Bd. Regina Maria, Bd. George Coşbuc, Bd. Tudor Vladimirescu, Calea 13 Septembrie, followed by normal track.
Between 12,00 and 23,00 hours, car traffic will be restricted on Calea 13 Septembrie, from the Bd. Tudor Vladimirescu intersection, on Bd. Unirii, from the Bd. I.C. Brătianu intersection,on Bd. Naţiunile Unite from the Piaţa Naţiunile Unite, on Bd. Libertăţii, between Splaiul Independenţei and Bd. George Coşbuc, on Str. Izvor and Str. B.P. Haşdeu, from Pod Haşdeu until the Bd. Tudor Vladimirescu intersection.
From 11,00 hours, Bus136 will got from CET Vest Militari to Şos. Pandurilor/Cal. 13 Septembrie, returning on Cal. 13 Septembrie, Şos. Progresului, Bd. Geniului, Bd. Iuliu Maniu, followed by the normal track.