Transgaz expects Romania’s natural gas consumption to double within several years

The flow of natural gas from the Neptun Deep offshore field in the Black Sea will be much larger than anticipated, and within 3 to 4 years, Romania’s annual natural gas consumption will rise by 10 bln cubic meters – nearly doubling from current levels, the head of the gas transport company Transgaz Ion Sterian commented.
Some EUR 3.2 bln will be invested to develop the natural gas transport network under the ten-year development strategy, he also said, according to Ziarul Financiar.
The natural gas from the Black Sea will be the largest game-changer in the local energy landscape, this being the resource that can facilitate the transition to green energy, the development of the horizontal economy and the transformation of Romania into a real regional player, Transgaz’s general manager said.
(Photo source: Sasa Maricic/