Transgaz seeks constructor for EUR 290-335 million pipeline link to Black Sea

Romanian state-controlled gas transporter Transgaz launched the tender to find a constructor for another major pipeline: the one aimed at bringing the natural gas that may eventually be produced by ExxonMobil and OMV Petrom in the Black Sea to the major BRUA route thus allowing the export of gas to Hungary and, in principle, to Bulgaria, local reported.
The tender for a similar connection was launched in November with the aim of bringing the natural gas produced by U.S. Carlyle's Black Sea Oil and Gas that operates the second major perimeter in the Black Sea.
Transgaz signed a contract with BSOG prior to launching the tender in November.
The natural gas transport company had reached a more complex agreement with ExxonMobil and OMV on transporting their gas in 2014. The new tender launched by Transgaz in December refers to a pipeline of 308km stretching from the Black Sea shore to Podsor (a point on BRUA route). It is estimated to cost RON 1.36-1.56 billion (EUR 290-335 million).
The pipeline will meet the north-south route Transit 1 (Isaccea - Negru Voda) that brings natural gas from Russia to Bulgaria and further to Greece.
Under another project, Transgaz will make Tranzit 1 route reversible in order to allow exports to Moldova (and Ukraine, in principle) as well.
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