Tuesday headlines: general strike weakens, pricing war for TV services, China property risk
Romanian media
Pricing war on the TV services market: operators are even offering a free year – in Ziarul Financiar
Raiffeisen shuts down 20 units and gives up on 200 employees - in Ziarul Financiar
EC: Romania's internet development strategies stay on paper – in Ziarul Financiar
Gruia Stoica takes over CFR Marfa in Muntenegru with EUR 13 million – in Ziarul Financiar
Danone sees sales up 5 to 10 percent – in Ziarul Financiar
May 2010, the worst day on BSE from February 2009 – on Gandul
General strike, big fizzle – in Adevarul
RATB employees suspend strike after two hours, metro stopped until 12,00 – in Adevarul
Vladescu: The austerity measures have been taken after the 11th hour – in Evenimentul Zilei
Seitan: “If we don't apply the austerity measures, we might cut salaries again in 2011, by 30 or even 70% - on Hotnews.ro
Best paid employee in the Labor Ministry makes more money than minister Seitan – on Dailybusiness.ro
The Government enacts legislation against tax evasion – on Wall-street.ro
International media
ECB warns of ‘hazardous contagion’ - in the Financial Time
Köhler resignation blow to Merkel coalition - in the Financial Time
China property risk is worse than in US - in the Financial Time
Apple sells 2m iPads in two months - in the Financial Time
Asustek joins tablet PC race; launches app store - on Reuters
China's Manufacturing Sector Grew in May but at a Slower Pace - in the New York Times
Russian, EU leaders converge for biannual summit - in BusinessWeek