Tuesday headlines: Hilton renovation, KD Life closes down, K Tech Ultra Pro bankrupt, Apple shows new iPhone

Romanian news
Copos closes down the Hilton brasserie, a Bucharest symbol – in Ziarul Financiar
Real estate developers sell 7 apartments a month – in Ziarul Financiar
Pressure grows over leu up to 4.24 on the market, while dollar rate grows to 5.33 lei – in Ziarul Financiar
KD Life transfers its portfolio to Eureko and closes down – in Ziarul Financiar
Private pension funds gain EUR 66 million – in Ziarul Financiar
Draxlmaier fired 9,000 people in three years – in Ziarul Financiar
K Tech Ultra Pro goes bankrupt and will be dissolved – in Ziarul Financiar
Energy consumption increases – in Gandul
Vladescu: If the economy stagnates or goes into light recession to -1 or -1.5, then these measures are enough – in Adevarul
Mariana Gheorghe: OMV is interested to grow its participation in Petrom above the current 51% - on Dailybusiness.ro
Blue Air cuts ticket prices by 25 percent – on Wall-street.ro
International media
Apple unveils fourth-generation iPhone - in the Financial Times
Merkel spells out €80bn spending cuts - in the Financial Times
Hungary plays down talk of fiscal crisis - in the Financial Times
Europe misses out on airline recovery - in the Financial Times
Wall Street slips to November low - in the Financial Times
Bernanke says Europe committed to euro's survival - on Reuters
Exclusive: Wells Fargo seeks growth from hires, banking - on Reuters
Global hiring prospects improve -Manpower - on Reuters
Report forecasts airlines will turn a profit in 2010 - in the LA Times
Consumer debts increase $1 billion in April - in MarkerWatch