Tuesday headlines: New no-confidence motion, La Caixa lends EUR 10.5 mln for Laguna Residence, Carpatair introduces new flights to Italy

19 October 2010

Romanian media

Govt. proposes 12% flat tax and salary contribution to 41%. Is a budget possible on this data? - in Ziarul Financiar

Will PSD and PNL manage to dismiss the Govt. under the pressure of the masses? - in Ziarul Financiar

Titan invests EUR 15 mln in factory to produce hamburger rolls - in Ziarul Financiar

Medcenter to put EUR 7 mln in Bucharest analysis lab - in Ziarul Financiar

Asirom opens ten subsidiaries by the end of the year - in Ziarul Financiar

Harder to find a job: one in three Romanians find a job after a year of search – on Dailybusiness.ro

Vantu to Realitatea media managers: I need an organization to answer to my commands – on Dailybusiness.ro

La Caixa lends EUR 10.5 million for the Laguna Residence project in Lacul Tei area – on Wall-street.ro

Carpatair introduces three new flights to Italy – on Wall-street.ro

International media

Apple iPad sales fail to hit forecasts- in FT

Hands and Citi lock horns over EMI- in FT

Foreign investors scoop up US debt- in FT

Northeast Utilities to buy NSTAR for $4.17 billion - on Reuters

Holidays may be a little merrier for retailers - in LA Times

Citigroup bounces back into the black with $3.3bn profit - on Telegraph.co.uk


Tuesday headlines: New no-confidence motion, La Caixa lends EUR 10.5 mln for Laguna Residence, Carpatair introduces new flights to Italy

19 October 2010

Romanian media

Govt. proposes 12% flat tax and salary contribution to 41%. Is a budget possible on this data? - in Ziarul Financiar

Will PSD and PNL manage to dismiss the Govt. under the pressure of the masses? - in Ziarul Financiar

Titan invests EUR 15 mln in factory to produce hamburger rolls - in Ziarul Financiar

Medcenter to put EUR 7 mln in Bucharest analysis lab - in Ziarul Financiar

Asirom opens ten subsidiaries by the end of the year - in Ziarul Financiar

Harder to find a job: one in three Romanians find a job after a year of search – on Dailybusiness.ro

Vantu to Realitatea media managers: I need an organization to answer to my commands – on Dailybusiness.ro

La Caixa lends EUR 10.5 million for the Laguna Residence project in Lacul Tei area – on Wall-street.ro

Carpatair introduces three new flights to Italy – on Wall-street.ro

International media

Apple iPad sales fail to hit forecasts- in FT

Hands and Citi lock horns over EMI- in FT

Foreign investors scoop up US debt- in FT

Northeast Utilities to buy NSTAR for $4.17 billion - on Reuters

Holidays may be a little merrier for retailers - in LA Times

Citigroup bounces back into the black with $3.3bn profit - on Telegraph.co.uk




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