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Two more Romanian companies included in MSCI Frontier IMI indices

31 May 2023

The shares of Nuclearelectrica (BVB: SNN), the sole producer of nuclear power and nuclear fuel in Romania, and the shares of real estate group One United Properties (BVB: ONE) will be included starting with June 1, 2023, in the MSCI Frontier IMI indices.

The two new companies will increase Romania’s weight in the MSCI Frontier IMI indices to 11 companies, alongside Banca Transilvania, BRD Groupe Societe Generale, Electrica, Medlife, OMV Petrom, S.N.G.N. Romgaz, Teraplast, Transelectrica and Transgaz.

Nuclearelectrica’s shares will be included in the MSCI Frontier Markets and MSCI Romania indices. SNN was one of the first two companies included in the FTSE Global All Cap indices when Romania was promoted to the Emerging Market status by the global index provider FTSE Russel in 2020.

One United Properties’ shares will be included in the MSCI Frontier Markets Small Cap and MSCI Romania Small Cap indices. ONE is one of the leading green developers of residential, mixed-use and office real estate in Romania, listed on the Main Market of the Bucharest Stock Exchange since July 12, 2021.

(Photo source: Negotin8/


Two more Romanian companies included in MSCI Frontier IMI indices

31 May 2023

The shares of Nuclearelectrica (BVB: SNN), the sole producer of nuclear power and nuclear fuel in Romania, and the shares of real estate group One United Properties (BVB: ONE) will be included starting with June 1, 2023, in the MSCI Frontier IMI indices.

The two new companies will increase Romania’s weight in the MSCI Frontier IMI indices to 11 companies, alongside Banca Transilvania, BRD Groupe Societe Generale, Electrica, Medlife, OMV Petrom, S.N.G.N. Romgaz, Teraplast, Transelectrica and Transgaz.

Nuclearelectrica’s shares will be included in the MSCI Frontier Markets and MSCI Romania indices. SNN was one of the first two companies included in the FTSE Global All Cap indices when Romania was promoted to the Emerging Market status by the global index provider FTSE Russel in 2020.

One United Properties’ shares will be included in the MSCI Frontier Markets Small Cap and MSCI Romania Small Cap indices. ONE is one of the leading green developers of residential, mixed-use and office real estate in Romania, listed on the Main Market of the Bucharest Stock Exchange since July 12, 2021.

(Photo source: Negotin8/


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