Registered unemployment rate in RO slightly up at 3.3% in August
Romania's registered unemployment rate in August stood at 3.3%, 0.26pp above the value in the same month of 2019, according to data from the National Agency for Employment (ANOFM), published on Monday, September 28.
The rate also increased by 0.03pp compared to July.
ANOFM data reflects people registered with the labor office, who receive unemployment benefits or not.
Meanwhile, the ILO unemployment rate (to be published later this week) reflects people actively seeking jobs.
According to ANOFM records, quoted by Agerpres, the total number of unemployed at the end of August reached 286,662 people, up by 2,723 compared to the end of July.
Out of the total registered unemployed, only 94,924 were recipients of unemployment benefits.
Most of the jobless people were aged between 40 - 49 years (76,147), followed by those in the age group 50 - 55 years (54,423), at the opposite end being the people aged 25 - 29 years old (14,461).
(Photo: Pixabay)