Unemployment rate hits new minimum in Romania

02 July 2019

Romania’s unemployment rate, seasonally adjusted and calculated under the methodology of the International Labour Statistics (ILO) decreased by 0.1 percentage points (pp) from April and by 0.4 pp to a record low of 3.9% in May, according to data from the National Statistics Institute.

It is less than the European Union’s average of 6.3%, but not the lowest among Union’s country: the unemployment rate was 2.2% in Czech Republic, 3.1% in Germany and 3.3% in the Netherlands.

The EU countries with the highest unemployment rates in May were Greece (40.4% in March 2019, latest available data) , Spain (31.7%) and Italy (30.5%).

Compared to May 2018, the unemployment rate declined in most EU Member States, remained stable in Austria and increased in Denmark (from 5% to 5.1%), Luxembourg (from 5.6% to 5.7% %), Poland (from 3.7% to 3.8%) and Sweden (from 6.2% to 6.3%).

The number of ILO unemployed persons in Romania (aged 15-74 years, actively seeking jobs) estimated for May 2019 was of 351,000 thousand persons, decreasing from 390,000 one year earlier.

(Photo: Pexels.com)



Unemployment rate hits new minimum in Romania

02 July 2019

Romania’s unemployment rate, seasonally adjusted and calculated under the methodology of the International Labour Statistics (ILO) decreased by 0.1 percentage points (pp) from April and by 0.4 pp to a record low of 3.9% in May, according to data from the National Statistics Institute.

It is less than the European Union’s average of 6.3%, but not the lowest among Union’s country: the unemployment rate was 2.2% in Czech Republic, 3.1% in Germany and 3.3% in the Netherlands.

The EU countries with the highest unemployment rates in May were Greece (40.4% in March 2019, latest available data) , Spain (31.7%) and Italy (30.5%).

Compared to May 2018, the unemployment rate declined in most EU Member States, remained stable in Austria and increased in Denmark (from 5% to 5.1%), Luxembourg (from 5.6% to 5.7% %), Poland (from 3.7% to 3.8%) and Sweden (from 6.2% to 6.3%).

The number of ILO unemployed persons in Romania (aged 15-74 years, actively seeking jobs) estimated for May 2019 was of 351,000 thousand persons, decreasing from 390,000 one year earlier.

(Photo: Pexels.com)





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