Romanian Govt. approves unique tax form for freelancers

The Government approved on Thursday, March 15, a unique tax form for all Romanians who make revenues from independent activities.
The new form replaces seven previous forms that people who made revenues from independent activities had to submit to the tax agency ANAF, including the infamous Form 600 that raised many controversies at the beginning of this year, according to finance minister Eugen Teodorovici.
Romanians who make revenues from independent activities, such as agricultural activities, rents, investments, revenues from abroad or from gambling activities will have to fill in and submit this new form by July 15 this year. Starting next year, the deadline for submitting this form will be March 15.
Based on this form, the tax agency will determine what taxes and contributions need to be paid for those revenues. Close to 1 million Romanians will have to fill in the new form.
The Government also decided that people who make revenues from intellectual property rights will have their taxes and contributions withheld. Moreover, people who earn revenues from intellectual property rights and are also employees won’t have to pay social contributions for these revenues, which basically brings things back to the way they were last year.