Urban development plan worth EUR 200 mln approved for Bucharest: pedestrian streets and bridges, city brand, expanded historic center
A EUR 200 million package of projects and measures aiming at re-vitalizing Romanian's capital Bucharest was recently approved by the City's Council. The expansion of the historic center beyond the Lipscani area, the creation of a Bucharest brand for tourists and investors, pedestrian bridges over the Dambovita, pedestrian and bike tracks for bikes on the old Calea Rahovei and on the Uranus street, and reducing traffic downtown Bucharest via the ringroad are part of this development plan.
New parking places, connected to public transport and to pedestrian streets and to bike lanes, wider sidewalks, revamped public places and small parks are also part of the 48 proposed and approved projects.
Urban regeneration of several traditional neighborhoods which are currently in a bad state, which would include social – cultural centers for the neighborhood, craftsman shops, markets are also part of the plan.
The Integrated Urban Development Plan (PIDU) was proposed in September 2011, after a year and a half of studies. Some of the projects were included in this year's investment plan, others scheduled for next year.
(photo source: arhivafoto.ro)