Half of urban Romanians check social media first thing in the morning

Over half (53%) of Romanians in the urban area access online social networking channels as soon as they wake up, according to a survey by iSense Solutions and presented on Thursday at the Digital Marketing Forum.
Facebook remains the most popular social network among Romanians: 94% of city people have an account on this social network. Other highly popular networks are YouTube (with 63% of Romanians have an account) and Instagram (55%), local Hotnews.ro reported.
Instagram has seen a significant increase lately. In 2016, only 35% of local Internet users had an Instagram account. The percentage of those who nominate Facebook as their preferred social network is 79% in 2019. Yet, between 18 and 25, the preference for Facebook has fallen from 82% in 2018 to 48% in 2019. In the 18-25 year age bracket, Instagram gained popularity, rising from 7% in 2016 to 42% at the start of 2019. About 84% of those aged over 45 say Facebook is their favorite social networking site.
Some 9 out of 10 Romanians are influenced by social media in terms of trust in brands.
(Photo source: Pixabay.com)