US state of Arizona to open trade office in Bucharest's District 6

Bucharest’s District 6 will host the first Trade Office of the American state of Arizona, and generally of any U.S. state, in Central and Eastern Europe. The announcement was made by the district’s mayor, Ciprian Ciucu, in a Facebook post.
The mayor also noted that Arizona has almost twice the GDP of Romania and is the U.S. state with the highest development speed.
Ciprian Ciucu is in Phoenix, Arizona, these days, on an economic mission initiated by his colleague, deputy Cristian Bacanu. The purpose of the trip was to convince the State of Arizona to open a commercial office for Central and Eastern Europe in District 6.
“Mission accomplished! After being heard in the House of Representatives, they decided that yes, they will open it with us," Ciprian Ciucu said on Facebook.
According to the mayor, Arizona is developing fast because it is next to California, the fourth-largest economy in the world, and receives some of the spill-over development.
“Aided by liberal economic policies, the development is rampant, and tens of thousands of people relocate to Arizona annually for opportunities and quality of life. Intel, TMSC, and others currently have projects worth tens of billions of dollars in direct investments under realization here! They are the best in the semiconductor industry and among the best in medical products and technologies, electric cars, and batteries, and have much development in IT, etc, [...] I can't wait to assist them in opening the Trade Office in our District 6," Ciprian Ciucu said.
(Photo source: Ciprian Ciucu on Facebook)