Project: Bike rides, picnics allowed in Bucharest’s Văcărești Park

Bike rides, jogging and picnicking will be allowed inside Bucharest’s Văcărești Nature Park, also known as Văcărești Delta, according to a project put up for debate by the Environment Ministry.
The project is meant to establish a set of rules for the conservation of habitats and species in the area and serve as a basis for the future management plan of the park, the ministry said in a press release.
Environment minister Costel Alexe said RON 2 million (EUR 412,370) would be invested into the “top management of one of the largest urban nature parks in Europe.” The money would come from the budget of the Environment Fund Administration (AFM).
Among the allowed activities inside Văcărești Park are walking and jogging on existing trails and paths. Bike rides will be allowed, as long as they do not “disturb or endanger other visitors.” Educational visits for pupils and students, nature observation, photographing for non-commercial use, and recreation activities will also be allowed.
At the same time, dog owners will be allowed to enter the park if their pets are vaccinated, kept in a leash, and wear a muzzle, in the case of some breeds.
Picnics would be allowed in specially-designed places without the lighting of any fires.
The activities forbidden inside the park include hunting, capturing, or hurting the animals or interfering with their cycles of reproduction, growth, hibernation, or migration. Fishing activities, destroying nests or gathering eggs, and the release, abandonment, or introduction of plants or animals, without the approval of the authorities, will also be banned.
The access of domestic animals and grazing ones will be banned.
The dumping of waste outside of the designated areas and the destruction of the vegetation will also be forbidden.
(Photo: roibul |