Bucharest’s Văcărești Nature Park to host performances, debates

The artistic community developed around the collective TechnoFields, established by choreographer Andreea David, will hold a series of cultural interventions and debates in Văcărești Nature Park between September 24 and October 16.
Micro-Rave, an event scheduled for September 24, October 9, and October 16, sees TechnoFields “conceive a series of performative situations grouped under the theme of micro-rave as a means to bring to public attention the city’s abandoned places.” The artists involved are Andreea David, Maria Baroncea, Eliza Trefaș, Maria Mora, Giles Eldridge, Oana Maria Zaharia, Eve Cousins, Sînziana Pintean, and Sillyconductor.
Meanwhile, the installation Outlands will see artists Marina Oprea, Andreea Medar and Mălina Ionescu develop a large-size construction developed in a minimal in-situ intervention.
Becoming landscape. Becoming animal. Becoming machine, scheduled for September 24 and October 9, is a series of debates on themes such as contemporary art’s impact or the human-nature relation mediated by art and technology in the post-humanist paradigm. The debates, moderated by Raluca Oancea (Nestor), will feature Dan Bărbulescu, Laurențiu Fuiorea, Raluca Ionescu Paraschiv, and Vasile Mihalache as guests.
Harmony of Disaster, set to take place on October 9, is an experimental concert where “the sounds of the Delta will meet electro-acoustic music, the voice of the performers, and the performance of string quartet Outis. The musicians are Diana Miron, Laurențiu Coțac, and Outis quartet - violinist Francisco Miguel Ramonda, David Ursei, violist Mihai Todoran and cellist Victor Sandu.
(Photo courtesy of the organizers)