Romanian MEP Victor Negrescu appointed European Parliament’s chief negotiator for 2025 EU budget

Romanian MEP Victor Negrescu has been appointed the European Parliament's general rapporteur for the budget of the European Union for 2025.
"It is proof of my colleagues' trust in me after I managed the budgetary issues on behalf of the Social Democratic group for the last three years," he said in a post on social media.
This week, Negrescu presented in Brussels the European Parliament's priorities for next year's European budget. He said the goal is not to cut the funds allocated to the member states, "more precisely to protect the resources already allocated to Romania, in the context of the renegotiation of the long-term European budget."
Victor Negrescu also said he requested additional funds for agriculture and the rural environment, additional actions for education and health, the development of programs for seniors, diaspora workers and youth, as well as for supporting European entrepreneurs and SMEs.
"At the same time, I want to make sure that the EU budget for 2025 will include the necessary resources to support Romania's full accession to the Schengen area and that the nearly EUR 40 billion unused from the 2014-2020 funding period will be redistributed to the member states, including Romania, which have a high absorption rate," the Romanian MEP stated.
MEP Victor Negrescu has been in charge of the Social Democratic group for the European budget for the last three years.
(Photo source: Facebook/Victor Negrescu)