Former Romanian PM Ponta refuses collaboration with Social Democrats

29 May 2019

Former prime minister Victor Ponta said he would not accept the offer extended by the Social Democratic Party (PSD) to appoint the president of the Chamber of Deputies, vacant following the conviction of Liviu Dragnea, in exchange for political support in the Parliament.

The party formed by Ponta after leaving PSD last year, Pro Romania, met the 5% threshold in the elections for the European Parliament on May 26.

Ponta said that he wants no more to associate his name with PSD by helping it boost the majority in Parliament. He said he wants to strengthen Pro Romania instead, local reported. He also said he expects genuine social democrat politicians to migrate from PSD to Pro Romania.

PSD leaders have initially proposed to Victor Ponta the position of Chamber of Deputies leader in exchange for support in the Parliament, according to Hotnews. PSD has even nominated Pro Romania MP Sorin Campeanu for the position.

(Photo source: Facebook/Pro Romania)


Former Romanian PM Ponta refuses collaboration with Social Democrats

29 May 2019

Former prime minister Victor Ponta said he would not accept the offer extended by the Social Democratic Party (PSD) to appoint the president of the Chamber of Deputies, vacant following the conviction of Liviu Dragnea, in exchange for political support in the Parliament.

The party formed by Ponta after leaving PSD last year, Pro Romania, met the 5% threshold in the elections for the European Parliament on May 26.

Ponta said that he wants no more to associate his name with PSD by helping it boost the majority in Parliament. He said he wants to strengthen Pro Romania instead, local reported. He also said he expects genuine social democrat politicians to migrate from PSD to Pro Romania.

PSD leaders have initially proposed to Victor Ponta the position of Chamber of Deputies leader in exchange for support in the Parliament, according to Hotnews. PSD has even nominated Pro Romania MP Sorin Campeanu for the position.

(Photo source: Facebook/Pro Romania)




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