Former Romanian prime minister Viorica Dăncilă joins Conservative Party

Viorica Dăncilă, former leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), prime minister from January 29, 2018, to November 4, 2019, and Social Democrats' presidential candidate in 2020, has joined the Romanian National Conservative Party (PNCR), announced MEP Cristian Terheş, the president of the newly formed party.
Initially a member of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) before joining the Christian Democratic National Peasants' Party (PNȚ-CD) in May 2020, as well as becoming a member of the European Christian Political Movement (ECPM), Terheş founded his own party in 2023.
Viorica Dăncilă led the Social Democrats after the fall of her predecessor Liviu Dragnea (condemned for corruption) and, after she lost the presidential elections, was hired at the National Bank of Romania as a consultant on green agenda.
Terheş, the PNCR candidate in the presidential elections, emphasised that he wants people "who have demonstrated that they represented Romania properly" to come around the conservative project of his political formation, Agerpres reported.
Asked if there would be a tandem proposed by PNCR, Terheş - president and Dăncilă - prime minister, the MEP said it is too early for this.
"We have not yet talked about a tandem. At the moment, we are working with Dăncilă and other experts on the government program. ( ...) I think Mrs. Dăncilă would be, once again, an extraordinary prime minister for Romania. We will have complete lists for the parliamentary elections under the PNCR logo, which is why we started mergers with other conservative parties that join this project."
He called on those who are "faithful to the nation" to join this project and announced that the merger with the Right Alternative Party (AD) and the National Renaissance Alliance (ARN) has been completed.
(Photo source: Inquam Photos / George Călin)