Hateful or discriminatory vloggers can be fined under Romania's new audiovisual law

12 July 2022

Vloggers are liable for fines from the National Audiovisual Council (CNA) after the amended audiovisual law added new regulations expanding its realm of influence to audiovisual content posted online.

The new law, which was promulgated by President Klaus Iohannis at the end of June, brings Romanian law into line with European legislation.

According to its newest provisions, CNA will be able to impose fines on vloggers and content creators, demand to know the identity of account owners, and even ask that a platform suspends creators that break the rules, on a case-by-case basis.

Pagina de media presented the list of provisions affecting online content creators:

  1. Fines will be issued in the case of a content creator who has explicitly incited violence or hatred against a group of people or a member of a group on grounds such as gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, genetic characteristics, disability, language, religion, political affiliation, level of wealth, age, or chronic contagious or non-contagious disease status.

These fines range from EUR 400 to EUR 6000, depending on the severity of the transgression.

  1. Online video sharing platforms must provide contact details related to an account at CNA’s request, within a period not exceeding 48 hours.  If a platform does not provide this data, it can be fined up to EUR 6000 per day.

Video sharing platform providers are obliged to inform the user within 90 days of the entry into force of the law that the user's contact details will be made available to the Council.

  1. In the case of serious violations, CNA will be able to ask for the suspension of up to 12 months of the respective account, and removal of the illegal content. Serious violations relate to the protection of minors, pornography, violence, or inciting hatred and discrimination. The CNA cannot act directly, and only has the power to ask the platform concerned.


(Photo source: Kuprevich | Dreamstime.com)


Hateful or discriminatory vloggers can be fined under Romania's new audiovisual law

12 July 2022

Vloggers are liable for fines from the National Audiovisual Council (CNA) after the amended audiovisual law added new regulations expanding its realm of influence to audiovisual content posted online.

The new law, which was promulgated by President Klaus Iohannis at the end of June, brings Romanian law into line with European legislation.

According to its newest provisions, CNA will be able to impose fines on vloggers and content creators, demand to know the identity of account owners, and even ask that a platform suspends creators that break the rules, on a case-by-case basis.

Pagina de media presented the list of provisions affecting online content creators:

  1. Fines will be issued in the case of a content creator who has explicitly incited violence or hatred against a group of people or a member of a group on grounds such as gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, genetic characteristics, disability, language, religion, political affiliation, level of wealth, age, or chronic contagious or non-contagious disease status.

These fines range from EUR 400 to EUR 6000, depending on the severity of the transgression.

  1. Online video sharing platforms must provide contact details related to an account at CNA’s request, within a period not exceeding 48 hours.  If a platform does not provide this data, it can be fined up to EUR 6000 per day.

Video sharing platform providers are obliged to inform the user within 90 days of the entry into force of the law that the user's contact details will be made available to the Council.

  1. In the case of serious violations, CNA will be able to ask for the suspension of up to 12 months of the respective account, and removal of the illegal content. Serious violations relate to the protection of minors, pornography, violence, or inciting hatred and discrimination. The CNA cannot act directly, and only has the power to ask the platform concerned.


(Photo source: Kuprevich | Dreamstime.com)




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