Wages can’t cope with rising inflation in Romania

The net average wage in Romania rose by over 13% YoY in nominal terms to RON 4,008 (EUR 813) in October, but the real wage keeps shrinking amid high inflation, according to data published by the statistics office INS.
Thus, the net salary was 1.9% smaller in real terms compared to October 2021.
Romania’s net wages posted real negative performances in three of the past three quarters. Over the past two quarters, the negative performance was larger than 2% YoY as inflation accelerated, and the wages could not keep up with it.
Compared to three years ago, in October 2019, however, the net wages in Romania are 1.1% higher, even after adjustment for consumer price inflation (+27.3% over the same period).
(Photo source: Andyfoto/Dreamstime.com)