Wages in Romania up real 5.2% in July

The average net wage in Romania increased by 5.1% y/y to RON 4,575 (EUR 926) in July, according to data published by the statistics office INS.
The average gross wage was RON 7,317 (EUR 1,481).
The wages in Romania maintained in July a nominal annual growth of above 15% y/y for the seventh consecutive month, while the real annual advance strengthened to +5.2% y/y, as the inflation eased under 10% y/y.
The wages may see another increase in October if the Government goes ahead with plans to increase the minimum statutory wage by 10% to RON 3,300 (some EUR 660). Finance minister Marcel Bolos expressed such plans on September 12, but he also said that a final decision was not taken yet, according to Economedia.ro.
(Photo source: Andrii Yalanskyi/Dreamstime.com)