Week-end events: Dan le Sac vs Scroobius Pip, Byron concert, Organic Trio, Wood be nice

01 April 2011

Friday, April 1

18:00 hours, Architectures/Dessins/Utopies exhibition at MNAC (2-4 Izvor St.)

18:30 hours, Carmen at National Opera (70-72 Mihail Kogalniceanu St.)

20:00 hours, Truda in concert at Fabrica Club (50, 11 iunie St.) Tickets: RON 15, buy them from the entrance in the evening of the event

22:00 hours, Dan le Sac vs Scroobius Pip in concert at Control Club (19 Academiei St.) Tickets: RON 40, buy them at the entrance the evening of the event

Saturday, April 2

9:00 hours, Identities (Romanian contemporary art) exhibition at the French Institute in Bucharest (77, Dacia St.)

12:00 hours, Dress to Impress No. 10 vintage fair at Margo Lounge (29-33 Lipscani St.)

19:00 hours, La Traviata at National Opera (70-72 Mihail Kogalniceanu St.)

22:00 hours, Underground Masquerade Party with Utah Saints concert at Fabrica Club (50, 11 iunie St.)

22:00 hours, Byron concert at Peasant Museum (3 Kiseleff St.) (in picture)

Sunday, April 3

12:00 hours, Body Mind Spirit Festival at Palace Hall (28 Ion Campineanu St.)

12:00 hours, Nordic culinary delights and charity event at Letters Bar (27 Calea Plevnei St.)

19:00 hours, Tango. Radio and Juliet at National Opera (70-72 Mihail Kogalniceanu St.)

19:30 hours, Wood Be Nice (photo on wood) exhibition at Param Pam Pam Production Workshop (160 Splaiul Unirii St.)

21:00 hours, Organic Trio concert at Godot Theatre Café (14, Blanari St.)


Week-end events: Dan le Sac vs Scroobius Pip, Byron concert, Organic Trio, Wood be nice

01 April 2011

Friday, April 1

18:00 hours, Architectures/Dessins/Utopies exhibition at MNAC (2-4 Izvor St.)

18:30 hours, Carmen at National Opera (70-72 Mihail Kogalniceanu St.)

20:00 hours, Truda in concert at Fabrica Club (50, 11 iunie St.) Tickets: RON 15, buy them from the entrance in the evening of the event

22:00 hours, Dan le Sac vs Scroobius Pip in concert at Control Club (19 Academiei St.) Tickets: RON 40, buy them at the entrance the evening of the event

Saturday, April 2

9:00 hours, Identities (Romanian contemporary art) exhibition at the French Institute in Bucharest (77, Dacia St.)

12:00 hours, Dress to Impress No. 10 vintage fair at Margo Lounge (29-33 Lipscani St.)

19:00 hours, La Traviata at National Opera (70-72 Mihail Kogalniceanu St.)

22:00 hours, Underground Masquerade Party with Utah Saints concert at Fabrica Club (50, 11 iunie St.)

22:00 hours, Byron concert at Peasant Museum (3 Kiseleff St.) (in picture)

Sunday, April 3

12:00 hours, Body Mind Spirit Festival at Palace Hall (28 Ion Campineanu St.)

12:00 hours, Nordic culinary delights and charity event at Letters Bar (27 Calea Plevnei St.)

19:00 hours, Tango. Radio and Juliet at National Opera (70-72 Mihail Kogalniceanu St.)

19:30 hours, Wood Be Nice (photo on wood) exhibition at Param Pam Pam Production Workshop (160 Splaiul Unirii St.)

21:00 hours, Organic Trio concert at Godot Theatre Café (14, Blanari St.)




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