What mobile devices do Romanians use and how often do they use them?

Digital mobility and connectivity are increasingly important in Romanians’ personal and business life. The Romanian users take their mobile devices with them everywhere, check them frequently, and very often use multiple mobile devices at the same time, according to a study by EY Romania.
A ranking of the most used mobile devices shows that 62% of smartphone users, 23% of mobile phone users, and 18% of tablet users use these mobile devices between 2 and more than 6 hours per day. Moreover, two-thirds of respondents check their mobile devices less 30 minutes after waking up in the morning. Some 29% of Romanian users check their mobile devices before breakfast, and sometimes even before washing their faces.
More than half of respondents check their devices between 11 and 50 times per day, and 22% of them take a look at their mobile devices between 51 and 200 times per day. Slightly over 40% of Romanian users aged between 25 and 35 check their devices more than 200 times in 24 hours, the percentage dropping to 26% in the case of those aged between 45 and 55.
According to respondents, media and entertainment, banking and financial services, technology and IT, and telecommunications are the industries that offer the best experience for accessing information on the mobile device. On the other hand, industries such as constructions and real estate, leasing and insurance, and oil and gas, still have some work to do when it comes to offering mobile users the best experience for accession information.
Global studies estimate that the video traffic will register an annual increase of 55% by 2020, mainly supported by streaming video services and the inclusion of increasingly more video content in the media and advertising space. In Romania, 37% of respondents say they watch 1-5 video contents per week, 21% - over 15 video contents per week, and 19% - between 6 and 10 video contents. 14% of them watch no video content, the study shows.
When it comes to apps, 66% of respondents use business apps, 60% - photo& video apps, 46% - music and entertainment apps, 28% - lifestyle apps, 25% - health and fitness apps, and 17% - sports apps.
The study was conducted between June 8 and June 29 and is based on more than 1,000 responses.
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Irina Popescu, irina.popescu@romania-insider.com