Which are the new Government’s ten priorities for Romania?
Romania’s new Government led by technocrat Dacian Ciolos presented on Monday its ten priorities for the one-year mandate it has ahead. The cabinet will focus on preparing next year's elections, on increasing the central administration’s efficiency, on consolidating Romania’s macroeconomic indicators by focusing on attracting more EU funds and developing infrastructure, and on increasing Romania’s role in regional and EU politics.
“This Government can’t and won’t take it upon itself to engage in all reform fronts in Romanian society. What this Government assumes is a limited set of concrete measures with systemic impact and relevance, for which it will answer to the political forces and to society, at the end of its mandate,” reads the cabinet’s program.
Here are the Government’s top 10 priorities as stated in the governing program:
1. The Government aims to have a transparent dialog with the citizen and civic organizations, business representatives, and minorities, and to create an online platform to allow an easier interaction with the society.
2. The Government also wants to place Romania as a strategic player in the region and the European Union and to strengthen the partnership with the United States.
3. The Government will support the independence of justice and the fight against corruption.
4. The Government will make sure that the elections are correctly organized by ensuring the access to vote for all Romanians and by digitalizing the electoral lists and process.
5. The Government plans to improve the administration’s efficiency. It will run a pilot-project to professionalize the Government General Secretariat.
6. The Government aims to improve the civil protection system and increase public safety by adopting a national plan to consolidate buildings with high seismic risk and by increasing the efficiency of the Emergency Situations Inspectorate – ISU.
7. The Government will review and prioritize investment projects, including those in infrastructure, to stimulate job creation and increasing productivity.
8. The Government will identify and eliminate the gaps and jams in the EU funds implementation sector, focusing on increasing the absorption rate and the quality of the financed projects.
9. The Government wants to redefine the role and status of the medical personnel and to reduce the number of medical professionals leaving the country.
10. The Government aims to start transforming the education system moving the focus from transmitting information to creating life abilities.
Romania's Parliament will vote the new Government and its program on Tuesday, November 17.
Romania’s appointed Prime Minister announces his cabinet of specialists