Who is the new head of Romania's tax agency?

Romania’s prime minister Viorica Dancila, at the request of finance minister Eugen Teodorovici, replaced the head of tax collection agency (ANAF) Ionut Misa with Mihaela Triculescu (42) - a graduate in Accounting from southern city of Craiova.
With little to none experience in public administration and repeated failures is her attempts to get a job with ANAF, Triculescu owes her new position to personal ties with the prime minister’s advisor Darius Valcov, Recorder.ro investigative online newswire explained.
Her appointment comes as the challenges are high: the 2019 budget planning was not yet drafted and the Government needs some EUR 4.6 billion (2% of GDP) in supplementary revenues to meet the 3%-of-GDP target.
“Better VAT collection and better tax collection in general [is what we need]; there are significant sums of money that can be brought to the budget by more effective control exerted by ANAF,” Teodorovici explained.
Triculescu, the new ANAF head, failed to be selected for any of the several positions in the local ANAF bodies she had applied for over the previous years. She was picked up now for her vast experience in insolvency procedures, the Government stated in a press release. Recorder.ro says, however, that Triculescu’s full-time position during 2014-2017 was as accountant of a public services firm in a small village.
Mihaela Triculescu is also engaged, through her insolvency bureau, in a large number of court trials against the tax collection agency ANAF, Adevarul daily disclosed.
(photo source: Gov.ro)