Carpet of snowdrops photographed in Romanian natural park

15 March 2024

A beautiful carpet of wild snowdrops was recently photographed in a forest in Romania's Grădiștea Muncelului-Cioclovina Natural Park, signaling that the warmer season is on its way. Forest management company Romsilva shared the photos on Facebook, urging visitors to act responsibly and not pick these flowers during their hikes.

"Because we take pride in the beauty of the places we look after and want to enjoy such images for many years to come, we ask all visitors to be responsible with these delicate plants," Romsilva said, explaining that picking the flowers or removing their bulbs from the soil affects not only the plant itself but also its ability to reproduce.

"So let's be aware of the impact of our actions and admire the beauty of snowdrops responsibly."

The Grădiștea Muncelului-Cioclovina Natural Park is located in Hunedoara county and is one of the 22 national and natural parks managed by Romsilva. It covers over 38,000 hectares, of which over 26,500 hectares are forests.

(Photo source: Go Hunedoara & Romsilva on Facebook)


Carpet of snowdrops photographed in Romanian natural park

15 March 2024

A beautiful carpet of wild snowdrops was recently photographed in a forest in Romania's Grădiștea Muncelului-Cioclovina Natural Park, signaling that the warmer season is on its way. Forest management company Romsilva shared the photos on Facebook, urging visitors to act responsibly and not pick these flowers during their hikes.

"Because we take pride in the beauty of the places we look after and want to enjoy such images for many years to come, we ask all visitors to be responsible with these delicate plants," Romsilva said, explaining that picking the flowers or removing their bulbs from the soil affects not only the plant itself but also its ability to reproduce.

"So let's be aware of the impact of our actions and admire the beauty of snowdrops responsibly."

The Grădiștea Muncelului-Cioclovina Natural Park is located in Hunedoara county and is one of the 22 national and natural parks managed by Romsilva. It covers over 38,000 hectares, of which over 26,500 hectares are forests.

(Photo source: Go Hunedoara & Romsilva on Facebook)


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