After spring-like weather, winter makes short return to Bucharest

11 March 2019

Bucharesters have been enjoying daytime temperatures of up to 21 degrees Celsius but things will change rapidly beginning Monday, 21:00, according to meteorologists.

The weather will begin to change towards the evening, according to the National Meteorological Administration (ANM). The meteorologists have forecasted light rainfall for the evening of Monday, as well as wind that will blow at speeds of up to 40-45 km per hour. Then, after midnight, the rain is expected to turn into sleet and even snow in some parts of Bucharest.

Also, the night temperature will drop to 2-4 degrees Celsius in the Romanian capital, according to ANM. The warning is available until Tuesday morning, 11:00.

However, a similar warning is also valid for the regions of Oltenia, Muntenia, Dobrogea, Southern Moldova and South-Eastern Transilvania, for the same period (March 11, 21:00 – March 12, 11:00). Meanwhile, it will snow and the wind will blow strongly (80-90 km per hour) in the mountain areas.

(Photo source: Shutterstock)


After spring-like weather, winter makes short return to Bucharest

11 March 2019

Bucharesters have been enjoying daytime temperatures of up to 21 degrees Celsius but things will change rapidly beginning Monday, 21:00, according to meteorologists.

The weather will begin to change towards the evening, according to the National Meteorological Administration (ANM). The meteorologists have forecasted light rainfall for the evening of Monday, as well as wind that will blow at speeds of up to 40-45 km per hour. Then, after midnight, the rain is expected to turn into sleet and even snow in some parts of Bucharest.

Also, the night temperature will drop to 2-4 degrees Celsius in the Romanian capital, according to ANM. The warning is available until Tuesday morning, 11:00.

However, a similar warning is also valid for the regions of Oltenia, Muntenia, Dobrogea, Southern Moldova and South-Eastern Transilvania, for the same period (March 11, 21:00 – March 12, 11:00). Meanwhile, it will snow and the wind will blow strongly (80-90 km per hour) in the mountain areas.

(Photo source: Shutterstock)




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